Last Updated on March 9, 2023 by Woody Pet
Can Cats Eat Pistachios: Being a cat owner, it is always a struggle to determine what human food can cats eat. After all, we all want our beloved pets to be well-fed, with plenty of nutrients, while they also enjoy the meals we prepare for them.
Indeed, there are many foods cats can eat that we also eat. There are basically three types of food: one that is good for us, humans, and also good for the cats, and we are more than welcome to share our meal with them; one that is good for us, and also fairly okay for cats, but we must not overfeed them with it (this is mostly food that cats find very tasty, but it does not provide them with any substantial additional nutrients); and food that despite that we enjoy it, is poisonous for our cats and they can sustain some serious damage if digesting it.
In this article, we will discuss another favorite snack – pistachios. Can cats eat pistachios? Are they at liberty to eat any amount or only a very small portion? Let’s find out.
Can Cats Eat Pistachios
Can Cats Eat Pistachios?
A member of the cashew family, the pistachio, or Pistacia vera, is basically a seed that grows on a tree. Originating in Central Asia, it spread around the world, becoming one of the favorite nut snacks for many people.
They are a rich source of fibers and proteins – and they also contain a large number of vitamins (Vitamins B6, B5, E, and K) and minerals (calcium and potassium).
The major benefit of pistachios is that they are having much lower levels of fat than other nuts, such as almonds and cashews.
For humans, pistachios bring various benefits: they decrease heart disease risk and lower blood pressure. Also, due to their large amount of proteins and good fats, despite a large number of calories, they do not cause weight gain.
All this is great news for us, but can we share our pistachio snacks with our cats?
Basically, we can – however, in very very, very small amounts. Pistachios are not poisonous for your cat, so eating a small piece will definitely do no harm to them.
However, pistachios have a very large level of fiber, which can cause constipation and other problems with the digestive system of your cat.
If you decide to treat your cat with a delicious pistachio snack, make sure that it is an unsalted one – a large amount of salt one salted pistachio contains is also very bad for your cat’s digestive system – and this does not apply to a cat only, but for many other house pets.
Also, make sure that you remove the shell before you give the pistachio to your cat – the pistachio shell is rough and can be a choking hazard, and can also cause physical damage to their digestive system.
The pistachios do not provide cats with the required nutrients for their daily diet. Keep them as a snack between meals and do not substitute any of the cat’s carnivorous meals with a nut-based one.
Not all cats are fans of the taste, though, so make sure your cat actually is a fan of the pistachio taste before you continue offering them this little snack.
Cats and Other Types of Food
Now that we’ve cleared pistachios as safe, but in small quantities, let’s check some of the other foods in your pantry and see whether they are safe for your cat.
Can Cats Eat Eggs?
Yes – but only if they are boiled or fried. The eggs have a vast amount of proteins, which are great for the cat’s organism and help in building and maintaining its muscle structure.
You need to remember that you should not, under any circumstances, feed your cat with raw eggs – same as with humans, cats can also contract E. coli, or even salmonella by consuming raw eggs.
The initial symptoms of poisoning are similar to ours: constipation, vomiting, and overall lethargy. However, unlike us, who can “clean” these bacteria from our bodies with extensive use of antibiotics, these infections can cause permanent damage to your cat’s health, and can even be fatal.
There is a rising trend in some countries, where cat owners tend to feed their feline friends with raw diets. This went so far that the US FDA issued a warning against this practice, as it brings various serious dangers to your cat.
Can Cats Eat Cheese?
Not exactly – even though a small amount won’t hurt. Like many other animals, cats are lactose intolerant – and their digestive system is not meant to process milk and any other dairy after infancy.
Cats do not produce the enzyme lactase that breaks down the lactose – the sugar in the dairy – in their organism, so any large amount of dairy can cause bloating, vomiting, and constipation.
This does not mean that cats avoid dairy products – they are naturally drawn by the delicious smell and might ask for a cheese treat. Make sure you provide them with a very small piece, so they can still enjoy the taste while being protected from any potential digestive issues.
Lactose is not the only problem with the cheese – it also contains a significant amount of fats and salts, which are also not so beneficiary for your cat.
So, if your first idea was to go to the supermarket and grab an entire shelf of lactose-free cheese for your cat, do not do that.
Can Cats Eat Pistachios Conclusion
Cats can digest many of the various foods and snacks we’re eating – however, always in a small amount. Keep this in mind when you decide to provide a delicious snack to your feline best friend.
Also, be careful when feeding your cat pistachios and other types of nuts – some store-bought nuts have a large amount of added salt to them – and this will definitely be bad for your cat.
Always check the labels before deciding whether providing these snacks to your cat is a good idea.
In any case, the most important thing is that your cat favors the snack. Cats are curious creatures and they would love to try everything – and we know very often you cannot resist their look and just give them whatever is on your plate, but be careful, and get informed before feeding the particular food to your cat.
Also, make sure your cat is actually a fan of this food. Bon appetit!