Last Updated on March 9, 2023 by Woody Pet
Can Dogs Eat Cashews: There is a lot a dog can benefit from eating cashew nuts. Cashew nuts are rich in proteins, fiber, and monounsaturated fats good for a dog’s health. Not to say about immune-boosting nutrients like zinc and magnesium.
Copper present in cashew nuts is good for joints and bones in humans as well as dogs. Cashews like any other human food provide the best diet for dogs but are not necessarily part of a balanced diet. This begs the question, are cashews good for dogs?
You can make your dog go nuts with cashews but with some caution so that you don’t cause harm than good for your pup. There are some caveats to keep in mind if you decide to let your dog go nuts with cashews.
Can dogs eat cashews?
A question most dog lovers are asking themselves! Cashews are one of those nuts considered safe for dogs.
Unlike macadamia nuts or walnuts toxic for dogs, like many other tasty foods in life, they should be in moderation.
The healthy nutrients and healthy fats found in cashews can be dangerous for dogs if given in large quantities. Humans can do with large amounts but dogs have a much lower threshold than us.
To start our canine friends on the right foot, skip salted cashews, their stomachs are not designed to handle too much sodium.
It can easily lead to dehydration and gastrointestinal distress. So, if you must feed them cashew nuts, stick to plain cashews without flavors.
The second step is to feed your pup with cashews sparingly, it can lead to obese and what is worst is if your dog is already overweight.
Too much fat in your dog’s diet can lead to pancreatitis a disease that if not given early attention can cause serious health issues for dogs.
Finally, introduce your dog to cashews as you do for any other new foods. It is possible your dog has some allergies to certain new foods in their diet.
More so, some dogs may not be receptive to human foods even if they are okay for them to eat. Watch out for symptoms like itching, skin issues, and swellings in your dog when you first introduce them to cashews and any other new food. Also likely to occur are issues like stomach distress or severe ones like vomiting and diarrhea.
How to make your dog go nuts with cashews?
Wondering if your dog can go nuts with cashews? Introduce them sparingly but strictly follow the guidelines above, i.e unsalted raw or roasted varieties. Other types may not go down well with dogs.
As you maybe now aware of the allergic reactions for first-timers, if it is worse for people, then small amounts can be disastrous for dogs.
While shopping for packaged varieties, it is quite likely you can buy those with additional ingredients like sugars, salt, or oils.
To avoid this, better DIY your butternuts safe for dogs at home using a home blender by combining a cup of unsalted cashew and honey and processing them until smooth. Don’t forget to serve them in moderation.
Cashews nutrition content
Cashews are nutritious snacks for people and dogs. One ounce of roasted cashews contains 160 calories.
One ounce is equivalent to 16 to 18 cashew nuts. In one ounce you will get 13 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein, 1 gram of fiber, and 45 mg of phytosterols.
Phytosterols help lower cholesterol levels in humans and dogs, however, dogs do not suffer from the same cardiovascular disease as humans hence less or no benefits for dogs at all.
Cashew nuts health benefits for dogs
Cashew nuts provide many health benefits for dogs. They also contain antioxidants and omega-6 fatty acids which in the correct balance with omega-3 fatty acids heal inflammation in the bodies of our furry friends as they do in humans.
Nutrients found in cashews contribute to healthy skin plus a shiny coat. Essential nutrients found in cashews include; copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, flavonols, phosphorous, vitamin K, and zinc. Feeding your dog cashews benefits them with all the nutrients and vitamins as mentioned above.
Cashew nuts health detriments for dogs
Although cashews are thought to be low in fats compared to other nuts, they are still high in fat and calorie content. Too many calories are a recipe for obesity and other health complications in dogs.
There is a risk of inflammation and pancreatitis if dogs eat too many fats. Salted cashews can cause issues to the dog’s stomach as sodium does to a human’s stomach. Studies show that regularly feeding dogs with cashew nuts risk bladder stones due to high phosphorous content.
Some dogs have had problems digesting cashews or nuts, in general, causing them stomach upsets.
Which nuts are dangerous for dogs?
Cashew nuts may be fine for dogs when given in moderation but some may be toxic for dogs. If you are going to treat your dog with nuts, skip the following because they are highly toxic for dogs:
- Walnuts
- Pecans
- Macadamia nuts
- Hickory nuts
As with the cashews, if your dog likes them, give them as a treat once in a while.
Can Dogs Eat Cashews Conclusion
Cashews are a yes and no for dogs. It is okay to feed your dog cashews in moderation unless they are prone to pancreatitis or bladder stones. If possible feed your dog with unsalted cashews to limit sodium intake. Don’t feed your dog cashews if they are allergic.
To know how your dog responds to cashew nuts, give them in small amounts and monitor them carefully for signs and symptoms like swellings, redness, and hives in the skin or inflammation, vomiting, and vomiting if cashews take a toll on your dog.
Macadamia nuts and walnuts are toxic for dogs, other nuts may be safe for dogs if they are not allergic and don’t cause issues with the digestive system. Yes, you can try cashews for your dog if they love them and causes no health concerns.