Last Updated on March 8, 2023 by Woody Pet
Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?
Regardless Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? of the time of the year, incorporating some produce and fruits into our diets is always a good idea. Of course, strawberries are always a favorite. Aside from eating it raw, there are also so many things we can do with it. From strawberry shakes to water-rinsed strawberries dipped in whipped cream, strawberries are an ideal snack to have especially on warmer days Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?
It might have crossed your mind whether dogs can eat strawberries or not, and if you have fed your dog any prior to reading this, then you already know the answer. Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?
But if you have actually not yet done so, and you are here because you have sought after the answer, then the answer is yes, you canCan Dogs Eat Strawberries?!
How Beneficial Are Strawberries For Yo Dog? – urRead More To Find Out!
Strawberries are one of the healthiest fruits that you can feed to your dog. Strawberries contain little amounts of calories, around thirty-three calories per hundred grams of serving. They are also chock full of antioxidants, which if you are unaware, are pertaining to oxidation.
Oxidation in Dogs Eat Strawberries’s a naturally occurring event in both living and nonliving things alike, from the rusting of a car to the browning of an avocado. Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?
What oxidation specifically does in both humans and dogs is that it produces uncharged molecules called free radicals that react with other molecules in the body, thereby harming them. Antioxidants slow the entire process down and reduce the overall negative effects that oxidation has.
Strawberries are also high in fiber and Vitamin C. Fiber aids in the digestion process of your dog by allowing food to pass through without any constipation or diarrhea.
Fiber is also responsible for your dog’s digestive system being able to effectively and efficiently absorb the nutrients from the food Dogs Eat Strawberries? that it eats, as well as ensuring that your dog’s fecal matter is firm and robust.
Vitamin C for dogs also helps in reducing any and all sorts of inflammation as well as having the capacity to slow down cognitive aging that your pet will inevitably go through as it grows older with age.
With that said, strawberries are definitely a good idea to add to your dog’s meals.
If Strawberries Are A Go, What About Blackberries? Or Blueberries?
Blackberries and blueberries are not much different from their red cousin, Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? the strawberries. In fact, in terms of nutritional content, these trinity berries are almost in all ways similar.
What sets them apart is simply the color and the distinctive taste each berry has, which may play a differing role if your dog is quite picky in the fruits or food that it eats in general.
If your dog is not particularly fussy in terms of taste and looks, chances are, you would not have any issues when feeding blackberries, blueberries, or strawberries to your dog.
Should There Be Any Berries I Should Be Wary About? Number Three Might Surprise You
Sadly, not all berries are ideal for your dog, save the trinity berries aforementioned above.
You must under any circumstance avoid feeding the following berries to your dog:
- Holly Berries and Mistletoe Berries – both evergreen shrubs that are synonymous with the Christmas season, holly plants, and mistletoes are often a go-to as a choice and preference for Christmas decoration, most of it making their way into chimneys and fireplace mantels in many homes.
If you are planning on decorating your home with either holly or mistletoe plants, you should make sure that they are done so securely and out of paw’s reach, since they are toxic to dogs.
Holly berries contain ilicin, saponins, and methylxanthines, naturally-occurring compounds all found in the leaves and the berries of the plant.
Mistletoes contain alkaloids, lectins, and polysaccharides.
Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? n your pet has accidentally ingested these plants, poisoning can result in mild or in rarer cases, severe signs of gastrointestinal irritation such as drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain. When ingested in large doses, abnormal heart rate, collapse, hypotension or low blood pressure, ataxia (characterized by your pet walking drunk), seizures, and death may occur.
In this case, proper medical veterinary attention should be placed.
- Juniper Berries – Junipers are evergreens that are useful in garden design or as privacy buffers, yet the same cannot be said for human or pet consumption. Although juniper berry toxicity is rare, such cases do occur in seldom circumstances.
If your pet has eaten a few bits of juniper berries, it will probably vomit, experience diarrhea and feel nauseous for a few hours. If it has eaten larger quantities, it might spiral into kidney issues for your pet. If your dog is pregnant and has consumed juniper berries, it might lead to abortion.
- Cherries – Only the flesh is safe to eat albeit in small quantities.
However, the pits, stems, and leaves of a cherry should never be left anywhere that your dog can Dogs Eat Strawberries? might be able to accidentally eat it, as these contain cyanide when eaten in large doses.
- Baneberries – These berries have an already bitter taste and a high dose of acidity which is enough for your dog to be dissuaded from further consumption, but it is still advisable to bring your dog to the nearest veterinarian for immediate treatment if it has consumed any amount of baneberry.
- Poke Berries – Also known as pokeweeds, these berries are a troublesome lot due to them already being toxic, and will surely induce vomiting and diarrhea for your dog. Immediate veterinary attention is a must if you realize that your pet has eaten any pokeberries.
Can dogs eat strawberries? Yes of course! The same goes for either blueberries or blackberries, which are not only delicious for most dogs but are healthy in more ways than one. Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?
But not all berries are to be given to our four-legged companions, berries such as mistletoe, juniper, pokeweed, baneberry, and even cherries should never be given, due to these berries being toxic for your dogs. Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?