Can guinea pigs eat apple?

Last Updated on March 9, 2023 by Woody Pet

Can guinea pigs eat apples? How to take care of your cavy in 2020

An apple is a delicious fruit that contains a lot of dietary fiber and other flavonoids. But can guinea pigs eat apples? Yes, and it can be a great addition to your pet’s diet. However, you have to be careful with the serving size and frequency because too much can cause problems due to the high sugar content. 

In this article we will look at the health benefits, nutritional value risks involved, serving size, frequency, how to prepare apples for guinea pigs, and more.

Health benefits of apples for guinea pigs 

  • Vitamins

It is very important to add vitamin C to your guinea pig’s diet because they do not produce it naturally. This is a powerful antioxidant that will enable your pet to block free radicals and boost its resistance to diseases. Apples also have a high content of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, vitamin B-6, and thiamin. These vitamins are important in the regulation of the nervous system and the well-being of your pet.

  • Dietary fiber 

Apples are rich in dietary fiber, especially peels. Fiber offers a lot of benefits, such as in the digestion process. The apple leaves are also safe for guinea pigs and provide sufficient amounts of minerals like calcium, potassium, and phosphorus.  

Nutrition Facts of apples for guinea pigs 

Apples have nutritional content that is valuable to your guinea pig. They have abundant of numerous nutrients compared to other fruits. Here are some of the nutrients in 100 grams of apples. 

  • Vitamin C- 4.6mg 
  • Vitamin B-6 – 0.41mg 
  • Niacin – 0.091mg 
  • Thiamin – 0.017mg 
  • Riboflavin – 0.026mg 
  • Vitamin K – 2.2 g 
  • Folate – 3g
  • Vitamin A- 3g
  • Potassium – 107mg 
  • Magnesium 5mg 
  • Iron- 0.12mg 
  • Calcium – 6mg 
  • Sugars – 10.39g 
  • Dietary fiber- 2.4g 
  • Carbs- 13.81g 
  • Total Lipids (fat) – 0.17g 
  • Energy – 52kcal 
  • Protein – 0.26g 

Risks feeding apples to your guinea pig – Can guinea pigs eat the apple

Can guinea pigs eat apple

Apples are healthy and safe for animal consumption. However, some recent studies indicate that there are few risks associated with apples. While these risks may not harm your pet, it is good to be aware of what they are. Here are some of the dangers of feeding apples to your guinea pig.

  • High sugar quantity 

Apples are very sweet and can add sugar to your guinea pig’s system. Too much sugar can cause problems, and you should feed it in moderation.

  • Poisonous seeds 

Apple seeds contain a powerful poison known as cyanide. If your guinea pig eats too much of them, it can develop severe problems. So, it is advisable to remove the seeds before feeding your pet or select a seedless variety. 

  • Slightly acidic 

Apples contain acids that can be harmful to your guinea pig. So, make sure you have served the recommended amount at proper intervals. 

How to feed apples to your guinea pig and the serving size 

Guinea pigs love apples because it is a sweet fruit. Therefore, it is important to know the right amount you should feed per serving and the frequency. 

  • Feeding frequency 

It is advisable not to feed your guinea pig apples every day. In fact, you should treat the fruit as just a snack and only feed it once or twice a week. While it is tasty and boosts your pet’s health, it can be harmful if taken too often.

  • Size per serving 

Never feed your guinea pig an entire apple. To be on the safe side, you should only feed it half a small piece like ¼ of the whole apple. Some of the common symptoms of overfeeding your pet include diarrhea and bloating. In most cases, it only lasts for a short while, but if it persists, you should visit the veterinarian. As a first-aid measure, you can stop feeding it and give it plenty of water. 

Are apple skins safe for guinea pigs? 

Most people don’t know that apple skins have more nutrients than the inside of the fruit. It is safe for your guinea pig to eat apple peels but in moderation due to the high fiber content. While it is good for digestion, too much of it can even cause diarrhea. 

Additionally, apple skins contain vitamins, antioxidants, and other beneficial nutrients to your guinea pig. However, it would be best if you avoided peels of apples that have been sprayed with pesticides. 

How to prepare apple for your guinea pig 

  • Step 1: Select the right apple.

The first step is to choose an apple with the right amount of ripeness. Try to avoid unripe apples because they are too acidic, which is not good for your guinea pig. 

  • Step 2: Clean properly.

You should clean the apple thoroughly to get rid of all the dirt and chemicals. Also, rinse it clean and dry it with a clean cloth. 

  • Step 3: Feed your pet.

Divide the apple into small sizes. Even if your pet loves the fruit, try not to feed it more than ¼ of the apple per serving. 

More information about apples for guinea pigs 

  • Are green apples safe for your guinea apples?

Green apples are less sweet and more acidic than red apples. Like any other type of apple, you can feed it to your guinea pig in moderation. 

  • Are red apples safe for guinea pigs? 

Red apples are juicy and very sweet. Yes, guinea pigs can eat red apples but only in the right serving sizes and frequency. 

  • Are cooked apples safe for guinea pigs? 

It is not advisable to feed your guinea pig cooked apples. This is because guinea pigs are herbivorous and only eat fresh fruits and leafy vegetables. 

  • Are crab apples safe for guinea pigs?  

Crab apples are mostly used in cooking because of their sour and bitter taste. But can guinea pigs crab apples? These apples are safe for your guinea pig to eat, but you should remove the core and the seeds.

Conclusion – Can guinea pigs eat the apple

It is very important to maintain a nutritious and stable diet for your guinea pig. Apples provide several vitamins, fiber, and other elements that will boost the health of your pet. However, you should feed it in moderation to limit the amount of sugar intake.


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