Last Updated on March 9, 2023 by Woody Pet
Grapes are flavored with sweetness and tartness, which makes them very refreshing for us. But can guinea pigs eat grapes? Along with a wide variety of fresh fruits, grapes are a great treat that will make your pet devour in delight. However, due to the high sugar content, you should give it in moderation. Grapes are full of other nutrients that are essential for the well-being and growth of your pet.
Can guinea pigs eat grapes?
In this article we will look at the health benefits, portions per serving, preparation process, possible risks of feeding grapes to guinea pigs, and more.
Health benefits of grapes for guinea pig
Guinea pigs get plenty of health benefits from eating grapes. Here are some of the main health benefits of grapes for guinea pigs.
- Protects against scurvy
It is true that guinea pigs cannot produce vitamin C on their own and derive it from external sources. Lack of this vitamin can cause your guinea pig to develop conditions such as scurvy. Due to the high sugar content, you should not solely rely on grapes as the source of vitamin C. Leafy green vegetables also contain the vitamin and should be added to the regular diet.
- Eradicates free radicals
Grapes are high in antioxidants that will enable your guinea pig to eliminate free radicals. This boosts its health and helps to reduce the likelihood of problems such as cancer, heart disease, and other ailments. Note that the antioxidants are mainly concentrated in the skin, especially red grapes.
- Prevents constipation and eases bowel
It is imperative to include fiber in your guinea pig’s diet. Grapes contain both water and fiber that helps in the digestion process and passing of poop. A diet that is low in fiber can cause your pet to develop constipation and other health problems.
Nutrition value of grapes for guinea pigs
Grapes are endowed with a lot of nutrients that are beneficial to your guinea pig. These are the nutrition facts per 100g of grapes.
- Energy- 67kcal
- Dietary fiber- 0.9g
- Total lipid fat- 0.35g
- Carbs- 17.15g
- Calcium- 14mg
- Iron- 0.29mg
- Magnesium- 5mg
- Sodium- 2mg
- Potassium- 191mg
- Protein- 0.63g
- Sugars- 16.25g
- Vitamin E- 0.19mg
- Vitamin K- 14µg
- Vitamin C- 4mg
- Vitamin A- 5
- Folate- 4µg
Can guinea pigs eat grapes? Possible risks of grapes to guinea pigs
Generally, grapes are healthy fruits and do not pose any severe risks to people. But, are grapes harmful to guinea pigs? While grapes are not toxic to guinea pigs, there are some risks you should know beforehand. Fortunately, these risks can be easily controlled.
Here are some of the common risks of grapes for guinea pigs
- Excessive sugar
As shown above, grapes have high sugar content, which can affect your guinea pig’s health. Some of the problems that can occur from overeating sugar are vomiting and diarrhea. If you notice these symptoms, visit the nearest vet for treatment. As a first-aid measure, stop feeding it grapes and give it a sufficient amount of water.
- Food poisoning
Although this is rare, grapes can cause food poisoning if not handled appropriately. So, before you feed the fruit to your pet, wash and rinse it thoroughly to remove the chemicals and dirt.
How often should you feed grapes to your guinea pigs?
Grapes have high sugar content, and you should regulate their intake. Even if you love your pet, you should not feed it grapes every day. So, it is recommended to feed your guinea pig once or twice a week. As for the serving size, you should give it 1-2 medium-sized grapes. In fact, it is good to combine it with other healthy foods like leafy vegetables, hay, and water.
Can guinea pigs eat white grapes?
White/green grapes are suitable for guinea pigs because they contain a lot of vitamins and other minerals and have low-calorie content. These grapes are a little bitter compared to red grapes.
Can guinea pigs eat red grapes?
Guinea pigs love red grapes because they are sweeter than white grapes. The red grapes contain plenty of vitamins, minerals, and other components that are beneficial to your guinea pig. In addition, red grapes are more abundant in antioxidants than other types of grapes.
Are grape leaves and vines safe for guinea pigs?
It is not advisable to feed your guinea pig grape leaves. There has not been sufficient research done to ascertain whether they are safe. Also, grapevines can be hard for your pet’s teeth and even on the digestive system.
How to prepare grapes for your guinea pig
To get the best from grapes for your guinea pig, you must learn how to prepare them in the right way. Here are some of the steps you should follow when preparing grapes to feed your guinea pig.
- Step 1: Choose the right grapes.
The first and most crucial step is to select the right grapes. Choose grapes that are ripe and fresh because rotten and unripe grapes can cause severe digestive ailments.
- Step 2: Wash and rinse thoroughly.
In most cases, grapes are sprayed with a wide range of pesticides. So, it is crucial to wash them properly to remove not only the chemicals but also the dirt.
- Step 3: Remove the seeds.
Cut the grapefruit into half to remove the seed. Ensure you have removed all the seeds before feeding your guinea pig. To skip this step, you can opt for seedless grapes.
- Step 4: Serve the grapes.
The final step is to feed the grapes either in a bowl or by hand. Remember that you should only give your guinea pig 1 to 2 grapes per serving once or twice in a week.
Can guinea pigs eat grapes conclusion?
Your pet deserves the best of everything, from health to food. While grapes offer a lot of health benefits to your guinea pig, you serve them in moderation. If your guinea pig overeats grapes, it may develop serious health problems. Therefore, it is important to follow the recommended amount and feeding frequency. Also, you should avoid feeding grape leaves and vines.