5 Reasons Why Guinea Pigs Love Mango as a Snack

Last Updated on March 8, 2023 by Woody Pet

Can guinea pigs like to eat mango?

Some guinea pig owners might think that besides meat and dairy products, they can give any fruit or vegetable to their pets. I am sorry to disappoint you but this is not the case. Besides meat and dairy products there is a whole list of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that guinea pigs can’t eat or even if they can – only on rare occasions.

It is important to know that guinea pigs due to their size have a very sensitive metabolism. Feeding them what you want whenever you want is just not acceptable. If you want to take care of a guinea pig, firstly you will have to educate yourself. Some vegetables might give them stomach pain, some fruits might make them gain a lot of weight. Guinea pigs often have problems with their weight and can easily become obese.

But what about mangoes? Can guinea pigs eat mango? Do mangoes make them gain weight? Keep reading and find out!


  1. Benefits of mango to guinea pigs

So can guinea pigs eat mango? Yes, but only on rare occasions. There are a lot of benefits of mango for guinea pigs. For starters, mangoes contain a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C is especially important for guinea pigs considering they can produce it themselves. That’s why feeding them vegetables or fruits rich in vitamin C is crucial. Otherwise, your guinea pig might fall ill. Vitamin C keeps their immune system in check and without it, they will be susceptible to all kinds of diseases, especially scurvy.

Further on, mangoes are also rich in other vitamins like vitamin A. Vitamin A is crucial for growth and good eyesight in guinea pigs. Without it, they can easily lose too much weight or develop Xerophthalmia. It is a condition that affects the eyes and if left untreated – it may lead to death. That’s why providing your guinea pig with all the vitamins it needs is so important. Calcium is also found in mangoes but in limited amounts. This is good because too much calcium in their diet might lead to urinary stones.

The amount found in mangoes is just enough to keep your guinea pig healthy. Calcium is responsible for the strength of muscles and bones so a calcium deficiency may lead to brittle bones and muscle spasms. Mangoes are also rich in potassium and magnesium, both of which are responsible for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system in guinea pigs.


  1. Risks of giving mangoes to guinea pigs

Can guinea pigs eat mango? Yes, they can, but does this mean they can eat as much as they want to? Absolutely not. There are a lot of risks in giving mangoes to guinea pigs. That’s why they should only be fed one slice of mango once or twice a week. Be prepared because when you see how overjoyed they are you might want to give them more. But the bottom line is – you can’t. Mangoes contain a lot of sugar which can be dangerous for your guinea pigs’ health.

It can lead to stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. If you feed them mangoes more often they might also become obese. Much like us, if we have the wrong diet it can lead to all kinds of health issues. The amount of sugar found in mangoes is also not good for their teeth. It’s not good for ours either, but they can’t go to the dentist as we can.


  1. Other parts of mango to guinea pigs

Can guinea pigs eat mango? Yes, but can they eat mango skin? No. Even though it might sound strange, because mango skin is packed with all the nutrients that are also found in the flesh, mango skin is not something you can give to your guinea pig.

First of all, the skin is pretty tough and it can choke your guinea pigs.  Furthermore, mangoes are often sprayed with pesticides, and traces of them can be found on the skin. This can act as a toxin for your guinea pig.

Mango skin also contains traces of urushiol which is a chemical found in some fruits. This can lead to allergic reactions that can be fatal to your guinea pig. The mango pit is also something guinea pigs can’t eat. Same as the skin, the pit is pretty rough and it can choke your tiny pet.

That means that besides the flesh, other parts of a mango shouldn’t be part of a guinea pig’s diet. Dried mango is also not allowed. It contains much more sugar than fresh fruit.

The same goes for mango juice which is full of sugar. Frozen mangoes, like any other frozen fruit or vegetable, can also harm your guinea pig. Cold foods are much harder for them to digest and they can also destroy their teeth. So the final conclusion is – stick to the flesh of fresh mango and your guinea pigs won’t suffer the mentioned consequences.

Before giving them mango, make sure the fruit is ripe because otherwise, the sourness may cause them stomach pains. Wash the fruit thoroughly so you can get rid of any pesticides and peel off the skin. Finish by cutting the flesh into smaller pieces and give one to your guinea pig.

The happiness of our pets is something we cherish with all our hearts. Whether is playing with them or feeding them – our end goal is to make them happy. However, we shouldn’t let this happiness fool us into giving them food that is harmful to them. This is especially important concerning guinea pigs. They thoroughly enjoy eating foods that contain a lot of sugar. Even though this might make them happy at the moment, later when they have stomach pains they will deeply regret it.

Fruits that contain a lot of sugar make them gain a lot of weight in a short period of time. But can guinea pigs eat mango? Unfortunately, this also goes for mangoes. So if you want to make them happy by giving them a mango – make sure you do this on rare occasions.


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