Last Updated on September 28, 2021 by Woody Pet
Betta Fish Facts
Known also as the “Siamese fighting fish”, there are more than seventy species from the Betta genus.
Tracing their origins to Asia, the Betta fish come from the basin of the Mekong, a trans-boundary river, that connects many countries, among which are Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, where the Bettas can be found.
The Bettas are a very unique kind of fish and therefore, they require a special treatment. They cannot be fed with any type of food, they are loners, cannot live with any other type of fish, require a special type of temperature, and want to live in a quiet environment. If you want to place male and female betta fish in your tank, it should be only for their mating process, for which they create bubble nest, where the females place the eggs after the mating.
In this article, we are going to explore and find out the most interesting and useful betta fish facts.
Betta Fish Facts – Can They Cohabitate?
Betta Fish With Other Fish
If you have decided to keep a Betta fish, or you already have one, you are familiar with the difficulty of its maintenance.
The Betta fish don’t need any company of other fish, not even other Betta fish. They will live just fine by themselves. Bear in mind that if you wish to add another fish to your tank, it’s fully your own responsibility.
Anyway, it’s possible for Betta fish to cohabitate with other fish. The tricky part of it is the fact that not every kind of fish can be added to live together with your Betta. If you choose the wrong sort of tank mate for your Betta, it may end tragically.
When it comes to gender, we must immediately disclose the matter on the male Betta fish: Do not put other fish together with another Betta fish in your tank. It wants to dwell alone.
Female Bettas can live together, but it’s still recommendable for them to live alone.
We will go through the types of fish that are not welcome to live together with Betta fish:
- Goldfish, because they require colder temperature than the Betta.
- Colorful types of fish. For some reason, the Betta views them as a threat and can attack them.
- Larger species than the Betta fish. The reasons are the same as for the colorful fish.
- Nibbling fish. If they come to the Betta and try to nibble them, the Betta will view this as an attack and be urged to defend themselves.
On the other hand, there are types of fish that can cohabitate with the Betta.
- Glass fish – They are a serene and shy kind of fish, so are one of the most desirable tank mates for the Betta fish.
- Neon Tetra Fish – Similar to the Plecos, they don’t bother the Betta fish, so there shouldn’t be any problems.
- Plecos, or Catfish – They stay away from the Betta, and the latter doesn’t feel threatened.
Betta Fish Care
Betta fish are demanding sort of creatures and they need to be taken care of properly, which as an owner you already know, and as a potential one – you better know it before you buy one of them.
One of the main questions is – what can betta fish eat?
For example, they can eat bread, but on rare occasions. You shouldn’t give them bread as a regular food.
Instead, stick to food specialized for Betta fish, and make sure you feed them the exact right amount. Betta fish eat food that contains a high level of protein.
What about tap water?
Life for a Betta fish inside a tank filled with tap water can exist – if you pay attention to the pH level of the water, the hardness of it, and the chlorine level it contains. You need to have a pH meter, or make pH tests, so that you can. keep your Betta fish alive and healthy.
All you need to do is – obtain the needed goods that need to be placed in the tank filled with tap water, and the Betta fish that you keep as your pet will live a quality life.
Cleanliness is the key when it comes to keeping a Betta fish in a tap water. If you manage to keep the water clean and immunize it from pollution – your beloved pet will live in satisfactory surroundings, its life will be guaranteed longevity, and it can thrive without any unnecessary hardships.
How Long do Betta Fish Live?
When you keep the Betta fish at home, it usually lives from two to five years. However, if you really take care of the betta, it may even live up to seven years.
It depends on many factors, and you should make sure that you respect all of the aspects of your Betta’s environment.
It includes proper diet, keeping the water inside the tank clean, pH level, water temperature, and their way of living – whether they live by themselves, or they have another tank mate. We explained above that the Bettas prefer living alone and that they can live with other specific species of fish.
Betta Fish Facts Conclusion
We presented you, the readers, with many crucial facts about the Asian “Siamese fighting fish”, or the Betta fish, which we believe you will find very helpful and you will use our advice for their better maintenance in your own tanks at home, where you are keeping them.
In this text, we managed to cover many different areas of the life of a Betta fish, like, for example, their ability to live with other fish, the Betta fish behaviour, how to take proper care of them, the water conditions they need in order to thrive, their ability to live in tap water, and their lifespan. After all this, we are sure that now you know more about these wonderful species of fish you have chosen to keep at home than before you read this article.
If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to ask the experts and the people where you bought the Betta fish from – they will always try to give you sound advice.